Easy to start marketing tips for agents that you can start right now
Agents! We have a few tips for you this week. Maybe things you know you should do in the back of your mind, but here they are front and center! You can get started right away. Be sure to check back in a week to make sure you’re making progress on these tasks.
-Update your website with up to date market information and data, blog about all of your listings in an informational, descriptive, and not to “salesey” way. Use tons of video
-Email your leads with really rich and helpful information. Anticipate their questions. Do the research, and show them right off the bat what kind of agent you’ll be
-Work hard to be a true neighborhood expert. Know absolutely everything about your area of focus. Have a gauge on what’s coming up, be an active and genuine part of the community. When anyone has a question about anything LOCAL, they think of you, with a capital Y
-Connect on social media. Be authentic. Be helpful. Be yourself and stay on topic.
-Get out there with your selfie stick. Do digital property and neighborhood highlights