Keep it fresh and creative! Start by going through our list of ideas you have to try this month! The opportunities are endless, and with amazing social media, your customers can come to you ~ for more on that, you can check out our article on inbound marketing.
But don’t forget to go though this list! The Buzzbie app has all of the fonts, templates, and features you need to make those posts shine!
Spark engagement this month with these 10 social media marketing ideas especially for REAL Estate Agents!
And get your free trial of Buzzbie Creative here for iOS & a free trial for Android here.
1. Share Interior Design Ideas
2. Tour your City
3. Tell a Client Story (you can change the names!)
4. Give your Potential Sellers Motivation!
5. Share some Memes!
6. Choose Stunning Aspirational Imagery!
7. Share “A Day in the Life”
8. Neighborhood Spotlights!
9. De-bunk a Real Estate Myths
10. Share a Before and After!
#realestatemarketingideas #realestatemarketingideas #buzzbiecreative#socialmediaforrealestateagents
“Neighborhood spotlights are a perfect way to show your unique knowledge of an area!”
Take us on a tour. Find some hidden spots that only locals know! Talk about architectural styles. Keep it fun and light and engaging!
“Stand out by having fun on social and sharing that energy with social!”
There is no limit to the eyes you can capture with smart and engaging social media! Keep at it. Be consistent and creative! For ideas and templates, Buzzbie Creative has your Back!